Cyber Monday, occurring on December 2, 2024, is a highly competitive online shopping event, similar to Black Friday. It offers shoppers the convenience of avoiding crowded stores while still accessing limited-time deals on popular electronics and more. Here’s what you need to know to make the most of this e-commerce discount day.
When Does Cyber Monday Start?
Cyber Monday officially takes place on December 2, but many retailers begin their sales as early as the preceding weekend. For example:
- Walmart: Early access for Walmart+ members starts at 5:00 PM ET on December 1, with deals available to all customers at midnight on December 2.
- Target: New deals will be available to all shoppers starting December 1.
What to Expect from Cyber Monday Sales
Market analysts predict increased consumer spending this year, with Black Friday alone expected to generate around $10 billion. To snag the best deals, it’s advisable to start shopping early, as many discounts go live at midnight, often based on Pacific Time.
Key Retailer Cyber Monday Start Times
- Amazon: Cyber Monday deals kick off on November 29 and continue through December 2, featuring discounts of up to 50% on tech items.
- Best Buy: Major deals will be available on December 2, with some sales starting a day early on December 1.
- Target: Sales typically begin on December 1 and extend through Cyber Monday.
- Walmart: Deals will also commence on December 1, with significant discounts on electronics and more.
Is Cyber Monday Better Than Black Friday?
Both shopping events offer comparable deals, with Cyber Monday often focusing on tech. Retailers now provide extended sales, making it essential to stay alert for the best offers throughout the holiday shopping season.
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